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October Apple a Day

An Apple a Day for…Peets Hill!

In October, 10 cents of every bulk apple sold will go to support the Peets Hill project by Gallatin Valley Land Trust (GVLT).

GVLT recently learned that 12 acres at the southern end of Peets Hill was for sale. They moved quickly with an offer to purchase and are now under contract to expand the area by 30 percent.

Donations have been coming in and we are getting so close! Approximately $100,000 is still needed to close on the property with their partners at the City of Bozeman.

Through Apple a Day, we will donate 10 cents of every apple sold in October to this effort! This donation - and any others from the community up to $5,000 - will be matched by the Kendeda Fund up to $50,000 total.

To donate and learn more, visit Gallatin Valley Land Trust.

September Results

In September, our Apple a Day program raised $1,786.70 for Cancer Support Community. Thank you to the Bozeman Community for this support!


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