Once you click 'Order Now' your order is sent to us. We review your order for accuracy, take note of any special instructions and que it into the pick line for timely availability.
We do the shopping for you! We navigate the store picking items that best fit the customers requests and take note of any discrepancies or out of stock items. Occasionally, we may be out of stock on one of those items. When shopping click the ‘add item instructions’ butoon on the checkout page and type instructions for us. (i.e. Please substitute any dark roast coffee)
Our picking sequence allows us to keep refrigerated and frozen items separate for optimal storage and freshness. All items are bagged in order to keep from getting squished or damaged.
Once again, we review your order after picking to ensure accuracy and take note of any out-of-stocks or special instructions. At this point, we update the order status to ‘Ready-for-Pickup’. You will receive an email with a accurate receipt detailing any out of stock items or substitutions. Your order will be available for pickup at the designated time you chose when placing your order.
All temperature prone items are stored in the cooler or freezer until you show up for pickup. We label each bag so that your order will be delivered in full.
Park in one of our designated curbside pickup spots at 908 W. Main. When you arrive, text or call us on the number listed on the building and we will bring your order out to you!